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Introducing the White Lotus Tea Treasury

Tea Cozy's manager, along with the Tea Cozy team, worked on this project for over a year, analyzing each episode of AvatarThe Last Airbender series from Nickelodeon. The team examined key elements that identified cultural, emotional, and theatrical themes in the series and reflected those elements in these curated tea blends.

Not familiar with Avatar the Last Airbender? Not to worry, this box is curated to be the perfect companion to enjoy alongside especially if it's your first time.

We've included 61 curated teas that correspond with each episode. A White Lotus Tea Compendium is included in the box, which details how to prepare each tea, the ingredients of the blends, and extra details we thought were notable.

Included in this treasury is a variety of flavors ranging from sweet to sour, fruity to earthy, floral to spicy, and more! While this collection is intended to enjoy while watching the series, you can enjoy these teas without doing so as well. While you enjoy each episode, your cup will fill you with warmth as if you were having tea with Iroh himself. What's included inside the Treasury?

* 61 curated blends for each episode of Avatar the Last Airbender

* Locally produced wooden White Lotus Pai-Sho tile

* Tea compendium booklet that includes detailed information on each tea blend and more!


White Lotus Tea Treasury 5th Edition

  • This box contains tea blends that may have various nuts and fruits such as:
    Coconut, Almond, Chocolate, Strawberry, Kiwi and more.

    While each blend is packaged separately we do package our teas in a small area where cross contamination may be possible.

    If there is an allergen you are concerned about being included inside the collection please email us at: or call 916-441-3546

  • Due to high demand and limited supply we will NOT offer refunds.

    Please note this is the 5th edition and differs from the previous editions.

    Most noteable changes:
    No ceramic cup
    No custom furoshiki wrap

    Minor tea blend changes based on availability

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